Snakes in Home
Most people can not think of anything worse to find in their home than a snake. While they are not all venomous, they can be frightening to find inside of your house. They can get in through any opening. Most will climb up trees and enter through gaps or vents around your attic. Open windows are easy entry points as well. More than likely, they are following a food source in.
Rodents release body oils that snakes can smell, they will follow that scent right into your home. Rats, mice, birds and squirrels can all attract them. Usually they will use the same opening to follow the prey inside. After they enter the home, they will still follow the scent, which can lead to many locations. Walls, attics, basements, crawl spaces and insulation are all popular places.
If you see mice or rats in your home or extermination right away. Calling us could help keep snakes out of your Citrus Heights home along with eliminating the rodents.