Raccoon Removal with new technology using the FLIR E05 Thermal Imaging Device
Raccoon Removal and Capture is difficult enough, but that job just got a little easier with the FLIR E05 Thermal imager. Thermal imaging allows the Wildlife Command Center technician to quickly acquire the location of the raccoon in your home and devise an action plan sure to capture the raccoon and return your home to some type of normalcy. Raccoon Control is not only a safety issue but the damage from raccoons can be extremely significant, ranging in the $1000’s to 10’s of $1000’s of dollars. Call us today, we can help get an action plan started and get the raccoons out of your house.

Raccoon’s in the attic Guide
Wildlife Command Center Facebook Page
Author: Michael Beran
https://wildlifecommandcenter.com Understanding Nuisance Wildlife and how nuisance animals affect people, resolving human vs wildlife conflicts with win/win results
Specialties: Falconry and avian control are my specialty
Falconry-based bird abatement for agriculture, landfills, resorts and other situations with pest bird problems. Falcons can chase gulls off landfills, coastal resorts and golf courses, more efficiently and quieter than other methods.
Providing traditional falconry methods to control nuisance birds at vineyards, crop fields, airports, and landfills. "Falconry based bird abatement" is the use of trained falcons and hawks to intimidate and scare off nuisance birds which cause loss of revenue for crop growers, health hazards in landfills, and safety concerns in airfields.