Bat In House
What to do if there is a bat in your house
How to get bats out
How to get rid of bats
Michael E Beran

Bat In House
How to get Bats out of Chimney
If you or your best friend was bitten by the bat, you should try to capture the bat or bats. This is most easily done while wearing thick work gloves and attempting to contain the bat closing off all exits to other rooms by stuffing towels under the doors. If the bat is not flying, capture it by using a box or small container, bats that don’t fly and are on the ground are sick. Place the container over the bat, slide a piece of cardboard or magazine under the container, gently causing the bat to fall into the container while closing off all the opening.
Be very, very careful in every way, rabies is 100% fatal if you do not seek medical help. If the bat is flying around, a butterfly net is useful if available, however a towel may also be helpful. You may also want to just wait until the bat stops flying, but keep watching it to see where it might land. Contact Wildlife Command Center 314-399-8272 and notify them that someone was bitten and the bat needs to be tested immediately. If the test comes back positive for rabies, seek medical attention through your local emergency health care provider.
If you are unable to capture the bat, but someone was bitten, seek medical attention immediately. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that anyone that comes in direct, unprotected, contact with wild mammals should receive rabies post-exposure treatment from a health-care provider, if the animal is not able to be caught and tested. Rabies post-exposure treatment should also be administered in situations in which there is a reasonable probability that such contact occurred (such as a sleeping person awakes to find a bat in the room or an adult witnesses a bat in the room with a previously unattended child, mentally disabled person, or an intoxicated person).
Wildlife Command Center Facebook Page

Bat In House
How to get rid of bats
Bat in House
Not bitten by the bat? Good, Great! Let’s get that bat back outside so it can return to eating lots of insects.
Just follow these simple steps:
Don’t panic! The bat is flying around to find a way out.
It is NOT trying to attack anyone.
Turn on the lights (if you haven’t already), so that both you and the bat can navigate around easily.
Keep the bat from entering other parts of the house- close any doors that lead to adjoining rooms.
Open all doors and windows in the room with the bat that lead to the outside.
Keep these exit routes clear.
Be patient and enjoy observing such an amazing animal.
In most cases, the bat will fly back outside within a few minutes.
If the room does not have a direct exit to outside: use a mesh net or towel to gently catch the bat in flight while also wearing thick work gloves. If the bat has landed you may can place a container over the bat, slide a piece of cardboard along the surface, under the container to gently drop the bat into the container and cover the opening as well.
Take the bat in the container/net outside. Open the container on its side, in the air or against a tree. Let the bat climb or fly out.
Do not leave the container with the bat on the ground, it’s not a safe place for bats and it’s difficult for them to take flight.