Wildlife Command “Wildlife Removal” Category

Dead Animal Smell in your home

Catch All the Rodents

By Holly Jo Linzay Exhausted after work, the couple wanted to retire early and get a good night’s rest. After settling down, they were drifting off to sleep. In the quiet of the night, a scratching rustling sound was heard for a few minutes, then it stopped. Again, the sounds were heard. Faced with the…

Rodents of Unusual Size WCC

Rodents of Unusual Size

Rodents of Unusual Size Wildlife Command Center – A St. Louis, Kansas City and Albuquerque Based Wildlife and Pest Control Company Receives Honors For Their Design and Role in DOC NYC’s Film: Rodents of Unusual Size Rodents IMDb Wildlife Command Center’s Michael Beran is being featured in one of the DOC NYC Film Festival’s most…

Got bats?

This is the time of year we find them most in your attics, chimneys, and sometimes your living room! give us a call and we can preventive on keeping bats out or get rid of an existing colony that’s made your home theirs. We are equipped to deal with bat removal, whether a single bat…

certified animal wranglers

Hawk Talk in the Delmar Loop, St. Louis

If you don’t educate, who will? Go downtown with a couple animals and talk, tell the world our beloved animals are not to be feared. Wildlife Command Center has a dedicated group of nuisance wildlife control operators that are extremely knowledgeable about wildlife and wildlife issues. When it comes to educational programs, birthday parties, or…