Wildlife Command “News” Category
Python snakes By Holly Jo Linzay Knights, wizards, swordsmen, and hobbits stood in line along friars and courtly women in Medieval dress for an opportunity to hold “Goldie,” a lavender albino reticulated python snake, featured in the Wildlife Command Center’s area at the St. Louis Renaissance Faire. “Goldie,” along with other pythons, and a Great…
Raccoon Removal By Holly Jo Linzay While a raccoon may look like a cuddly bandit-masked creature, one should approach it with caution. Normally, not aggressive, a raccoon can be dangerous if cornered, injured, sick or attempting to protect their young. In fact, a raccoon when it feels threatened, may viciously strike out. Michael Beran, owner,…
Squirrel Removal From Chimney By Holly Jo Linzay It was a day of foraging and nest building. Mom squirrel gathered leaves and twigs to build a comfy nest at the top of a chimney. The little squirrel snuggled in the branches deeper for a winter nap. But suddenly, to his surprise and dismay, the squirrel…
Birds frequently get inside homes and become trapped. All of the windows and lights make finding their way out pretty confusing. It’s a bad situation for the people and pets living in the house and an even worse situation for the bird. It is very stressful for them and pretty frightening. They are not able…
Chance M Beran, Falconer with Avian Strike Force pest bird control. Chance has been with Avian Strike Force since the beginning of the concept, to help people with pest bird problems, overcome and win the battle for bird fecal free work environments. Many pest bird problem start with a root cause, food, water or shelter…