Wildlife Command Center tag “Prevention”

certified animal wranglers

Hawk Talk in the Delmar Loop, St. Louis

If you don’t educate, who will? Go downtown with a couple animals and talk, tell the world our beloved animals are not to be feared. Wildlife Command Center has a dedicated group of nuisance wildlife control operators that are extremely knowledgeable about wildlife and wildlife issues. When it comes to educational programs, birthday parties, or…

Groundhog Elimination, Removal, Control and Prevention St Louis, Mo.

Groundhog Elimination, Removal, Control and Prevention St Louis, Mo Michael E Beran Wildlife Command Center 314-399-8272 beran.michael@gmail.com Groundhog droppings Woodchucks defecate in toilet chambers they dig underground. If you find droppings on your property they maybe from an animal other than woodchucks. Like most rodent type animals the droppings or scat is elongated ovals. Woodchucks…