Wildlife Command “News” Category
505-697-7899 is a number to text snake pictures to, we also answer this number and will talk to you about the snake Snake wrangling and snake removal should only be attempted by persons trained to do so, with that out of the way here is a link to an excellent site we helped put together.…
Yes it is the height of snake season, the snakes are out and eating getting ready for winter, most snakes are your friends, all snakes are not Copperheads ……..
Opossums in the house removal and capture – How to get rid of opossums in the house? Just call the certified technicians of Wildlife Command Center at 314-399-8272, we will perform a complete wildlife inspection to include a full thermal scan. We will resolve your wildlife issues once and for all!
If you don’t educate, who will? Go downtown with a couple animals and talk, tell the world our beloved animals are not to be feared. Wildlife Command Center has a dedicated group of nuisance wildlife control operators that are extremely knowledgeable about wildlife and wildlife issues. When it comes to educational programs, birthday parties, or…
Barn owls eat roaches and rodents and other nuisance animals, which helps to keep the local environment healthy. This is Boosie the barn owl enjoying a roach.