505-697-7899 is a number to text snake pictures to, we also answer this number and will talk to you about the snake
Snake wrangling and snake removal should only be attempted by persons trained to do so, with that out of the way here is a link to an excellent site we helped put together. When you need snake help.
Snake Removal Help
Often times we find ourselves wanting snake removal, any time there is snake vs human conflict the snake normally needs to be removed and relocated to a suitable location away from human dwellings and populations. Snakes are a good animal, often misunderstood and we humans have a deep seeded, innate fear of them. They are a little creepy and some of them are dangerous, by and far however snakes serve a better purpose and deserve to live. With that said, let discover what we can do to help! WE CAN HELP

Snake Wrangling / Wrangler in Albuquerque 5056977899
One thing to always remember about snakes and snake removal, the snake does not want to be handled, it will defend itself, in the case of a venomous snake that means strike to inject. Being injected with venomous snake venom is a serious matter and costly, the average hospital bill for treating snake bite is $150,000.00
WE CAN HELP if you have a picture of a snake that is bothering you then text it to 505-697-7899, we will do our very best to identify the snake and give you some direction about what to do next, this is a risk free call, we will help you. WE CAN CATCH IT is not just a slick catch phrase, its also one of our core values with dealing with snakes and snake wrangling. When you are faced with a snake, don’t try to deal with it yourself, Pest Command Center is close by and we can help!

Snake Removal and Wrangling services